Proper Power Tool Safety

Power tools are a wonderful set of inventions that make home improvement and other projects easy and even fun. Yet used improperly, they can be extremely destructive and dangerous. Before operating any power tool it is important to understand the appropriate power tool safety techniques.

The Work Shop

No matter where your work space is, there are a few basic requirements that should be followed for maximum safety. The floor in the room should be flat and level to avoid any tripping or sliding. It is also important that the floor surface be of a non-slip material to avoid any accidents while a power tool is in use.

The tools should be spaced out enough to allow easy movement around individual work stations. Ideally, this means leaving a space of separation between tools of at least three feet. You don’t want to be knocking into another tool or another worker while trying to complete your task.

It is often also a good idea to have a drain in the floor with certain projects for safe disposal of materials. The work shop should also be equipped with good lighting and plenty of ventilation to make breathing easier when all the dust starts flying.

Proper Storing Techniques

Power tools, especially the heavy ones, should be stored close to the ground or behind locked cupboards. Any apparatus with sharp blades or other parts should never be store overhead or on high on the wall. This could be disastrous if you were to slip when trying to retrieve it. And if your workspace is in a home where children are present, it is essential to store power tools behind locked cupboard doors to avoid any situations with curious little hands.

Emergency Preparation

Even with proper precautions, accidents do happen. Being prepared to handle them will made them easier to handle. Start by having a first aid kit on-hand, fully stocked and in an easily accessible place. Make sure any one using power tools in the work space knows where to find the first aid kit. The kits should include at least the following items: alcohol pads, band aids, gauze, medical tape and scissors. Fresh water for washing out cuts should also be readily available on site.

Other emergency preparations like fire extinguishers and smoke alarms should be in place and well-maintained. Keeping flash lights and a telephone nearby will also be useful in certain trouble situations.

Operating Safety

There are several ways to make the use of power tools safer. Goggles are an essential for protecting the eyes from flying wood chips and other particles. Everyone working in the workshop should have a pair. Keeping the safety devices on while using your tools will also prevent many accidents.

The wall sockets should never be overloaded with voltage. Make sure you never plug in too many tools into one socket and that your wires are the grounded three-wire system type. When it comes to power tool safety you can never be too cautious. Make sure you take all the proper steps to make your power tools helpful and not hurtful!

Your workstation plays a very important role in helping you operate Makita power tools safely. Learn more on power tool safety techniques at

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